An Evening to Remember – Your Space to Connect, Heal, Shine


Join us for a heartfelt evening filled with connections, insights, and shared experiences.

Together, we’ll create a safe space to explore all aspects of ourselves – the ones longing to be seen and heard.

This event brings a chance for you to open your heart, expand your horizons, and embrace your true self. 

Through guided activities and genuine interactions, we’ll uncover layers of authenticity and invite you to fully embrace who you are.

no pressure, no expectations – just realness and warmth. 
Bring your open heart and let’s journey together into the depths of self-awareness, where growth and transformation thrive.

When: 22nd of July, 6pm UK / 1pm Est

Imagine leaving this event feeling empowered, inspired, and deeply connected – both to yourself and those around you. 
Picture the shifts waiting to unfold within you as you step into your fullest potential.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to discover the beauty of self-exploration and the power of community. Secure your spot now and get ready for an evening of love, laughter, and personal growth. We’re excited to share this journey with you!
Hi, I’m Stella. It’s sooo nice to connect with you here two hearts
I am inviting you into a space where your presence is welcomed, your gifts are celebrated, your ideas are valued.
As a guide, working with intuitive creators for over six years, my passion is all about highlighting the gifts of the world. And I highly believe that every person came in this lifetime equipped with incredible abilities and great power. 
I was born in a small country in Eastern Europe – Moldova. At 18 I moved to Romania for my studies and 6,5 years later I moved to the UK with my husband, where we’ve been living for the past 11 years.
During my journey, I discovered that part of my power and mission on this planet is to guide those who feel drawn to my energy on the path of their own abundance and growth. 

How did I get here?

It was just me and her in the hospital room, on my 30th birthday. In shock and disbelief. 
How did we get here? What kind of reality is this?
My baby was only 6 months, waiting for a second heart surgery in the same month. 
As I was by her side, watching her sleep, I had a million thoughts running through my head…’how can I take better care of her? Should I go back to my job after the maternity leave, or should I follow my heart and passion. But if I follow my heart and what I love, would that be selfish of me?’
Her second surgery was more complicated and I remember being speechless and crying, as the doctor was explaining everything about the procedure. She needed strong medications, to which she had strong reactions and that prolonged the healing even more.
We spent weeks together in hospital and, between medications and tears, I had time to reflect a lot during those sleepless nights. 
After her second surgery, I knew she needed extra love and care. That motivated me to begin the creation of a new life for our family. It became clear to me that she will need her Mummy happy. 
And in that moment, I had to start creating my happiness for her.
I was determined to make it happen, but I had no idea where to start from. I was in for a journey of exploration and growth. And in that moment, I said ‘I’m in, whatever it takes’.
My first instinct was to get back to my old ways and to work hard on making them work in my new situation. I was ‘encouraged’ by a few people in my life to do that. And I know they meant well. 
The previous ways and jobs worked in the past, and I was grateful for that. I quickly realised I had to create a completely new reality. With a new energy, aspirations and perspectives.
I had to give myself time to reflect on everything that my soul always loved. I needed the space to connect with my own guidance. 
Soon I started practising all the incredible things that I’ve learned over the years, during my own personal growth journey. I started connecting with amazing people online and offline.
I shared my time with them while practising, until one day… when one of the beautiful souls I was practising with told me: ‘Stella, you’ve helped me so much. I want to pay you for your help’.

That was all I needed to decide that from that very moment I was going to commit to a lifetime journey of serving others with my gifts…in a way that feels aligned with who I am, my lifestyle, my values, my energy. 

I never looked back. 
I wanted to create a life where I can be present for myself, for my purpose, and for my family. And that was my fire, my motivation.

I can’t even begin to explain how life changing working with Stella was. I had the pleasure of working with her for 3 months over the summer. The things she helped me discover about myself, helped me heal and helped me work out for my future were absolutely life changing. If you have the opportunity to work with her don’t miss it! It will change your life.

Jennifer Weller Williams

My Akashic Record Journey with Stella was so vivid and incredibly spot on. It brought me confirmation that the vision for my business, will come true in the very near future. And, a message from a beloved friend in spirit about a workshop we had created. It is time to share it on a broader level. And it will be very successful! The whole session was grounded with Stella’s energy and soothing voice as she took me through the upcoming years of my life. From personal to professional, I carry this session with me as a guide post to focus my efforts and energy.

Niobe Weaver

The amazingly intuitive woman has helped me reach into the depths of my sub-conscious and extract the biggest goals I have ever envisioned.
Stella is not only a beautiful soul but her ability to guide you through doors to your pure potential is more than empowering, it is life-changing.
Thank you, Stella, for being my guide and I look forward to more sessions with you soon, because my mind is now completely open.
Mandy Nicholson


1) Q. Will the event be live, how will it be shared?

A. Yes, the event will happen live, on zoom and shared in a private Facebook group to those who sign up for this event.


2) Q. What happens if I can’t join live?

A. You will be able to watch the replay in the event’s private Facebook group, whenever possible for you.


3) Q. What should I bring to the event?

A. Just bring yourself and an open heart. You may also want to have a journal or notebook handy for any insights or reflections that come up during the event.

4) Q. Will there be opportunities to connect with others during the event?

A. Yes, absolutely! One of the key aspects of this event is fostering connection, both with yourself and with others. You’ll have opportunities to engage in group discussions, share your experiences, and connect with like-minded individuals in a supportive environment.


5) Q. What can I expect from this event?

A. You can expect an evening filled with connection, healing, and self-discovery. We’ll engage in guided activities and discussions designed to help you connect with yourself on a deeper level, and discover new aspects of your being.